Archive for the ‘Political issues’ Category


Five Days and Counting

January 15, 2021

According to the fraudulent results of our corrupt elections in five days if we are to believe that Presidential Steal the Election

According to the fraudulent results of our corrupt elections in five days if we are to believe that President (Steal the Election Biden) Elect will be sworn in. Not really what all patriots in this nation wanted as we know fraud ran wild in the swing states.

Trump was up in all the swing states by 20 thousand votes to 700 thousand in Pennsylvania on election night as they counted. All swing states across the USA stopped counting around 1 in the morning as totals were escalating out of control in President Trumps favor, yet when they went back on line Trump was behind in every state or only leading by a few thousand votes. Remember no one was counting according to officials from the State elections boards, the Secretary of the States and or the Governors.

The swamp is very wide and awfully deep with many deserving to be on their way to spend some quality time at Gitmo. The corruption has overtaken every practical principle America was founded on. No longer are our politicians following the oath they take to uphold the laws of our nation as well as our Constitution. They are traitors.

Now we see 20 thousand members of the National Guard heading to protect DC against the upcoming insurrection most are talking about. We are in a time and place many law abiding patriots knew would come knocking on our nations doorsteps someday. We will fight for our nation to survive as our Founders insisted it be. No socialism, No progressivism, No Communism will take our nation down. 100 million Patriots are sure of that.

God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless all Freedom loving Patriots of our great nation.

Biden Elect will be sworn in. Not really what all patriots in this nation wanted as we know that the fraud ran wild in the swing states.

Trump was up in all the swing states by 20 thousand votes to 700 thousand in Pennsylvania on election night as they counted. All swing states across the USA stopped counting around 1 in the morning yet when they went back on line Trump was behind in every state or only leading by a few thousand votes.

The swamp is very wide and awfully deep with many deserving to be on Gitmo. The corruption has overtaken everything practical principle America was founded on. No longer are our politicians following the oath they take to uphold the laws of our nation as well as our Constitution. They are traitors.

Now we see 20 thousand members of the National Guard heading to protect DC against the upcoming insurrection most are talking about. We are in a time and place many law abiding patriots knew would come knocking on our nations doorsteps someday. We will fight for our nation to survive as our Founders insisted it be. No socialism, No progressivism, No Communism will take our nation down. 100 million Patriots are sure of that.

God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless all Freedom loving Patriots of our great nation.


Construction on the rise

September 18, 2013

Image Finally after six years of economic instability, Las Vegas is showing signs of a modest recovery.  The construction industry is active once again as many projects on the strip and in close proximity are creating jobs that have been dormant.  

Many families have suffered over the past 6 years as the Vegas building trade bubble burst.  The housing market tanked running first and second for several years leading the nation in foreclosures.  Only Arizona and Florida kept close to our record of homes being lost because of families losing up to 40% of their incomes if their hours were cut, or tips declined not to mention those who were laid off losing everything.

The nation is making a slight advancement out of the troubling recession that has lingered way too long. Hopefully the worst is behind us as families are now making a few extra dollars that were lost. We still are not fully recovered so let’s not get overly excited.  We have a long way to go as today’s wages are still less than the average income earned 45 years ago.




CPAC straw poll is in for 2016 Presidential election

March 16, 2013

Moments ago at American Conservative Union in Maryland CPAC released straw pollwith Rand Paul winning the top spot over 67 other contenders on the ballot. After the senator from Kentucky filibustered on the floor for 13 hours his presence in the party was elevated.

Some of the questions asked of participants were how do we fix the budget? The overwhelming majority(72) said with spending cuts. Only 16% said by increasing taxes along with spending cuts. The other 12% where undecided.

This poll question is of vital interest to all Americans as our economy can not grow and prosper if we continue to increase our debt by over one trillion dollars each year. With a national debt spanning 17 trillion dollars and unfunded mandates at 122 trillion dollars which are payments due within the next 10 years.

Another question concerned the drone airstrikes that the senator spoke about for 13 hours in chambers asking the Department of Justice head Eric Holden if it was legal for the president to have drone strikes on American citizens who are not engaged in terrorist activities. A mere 86% declared in the poll that they opposed using drone strikes to kill innocent citizens and 70% were against the government using drones to spy on our nations citizens.

With concern to the budget the question was poised to the participants of the poll as to how the sequester budget cuts should be brought about. Again the majority of respondents (68%) said the government should target where to cut as opposed to 23% who believe the cuts should be the auto cuts described in the bill.

Finally when asked about our foreign policy 50% of respondents stated we need to take a step back from foreign lands and let them defend their territory. A modest 23% said we still need to be a presence in countries that depend on our nation to protect them.

In this straw poll many individuals participated who are considered the youth of our nation. We have a long road to the White House ahead of us before we decide which candidate will best serve our nation by adhering to our Constitution and our core values which do not infringe on our basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We will be engaged in conversation as we watch those individuals who run for the highest office in the land.  We will come to understand their stances and principles on the issues that are most important to use. We will ask hard questions of them to help lead us to the candidate we believe will go to the White House to fulfill the promise of America and protect our rights, our freedoms and most importantly protect the land that we love from those out there wishing to bring it down.


There you go again as Ronald would say

February 21, 2013

With Sequestration only eight days away we hear the rhetoric coming from the president stating if these cuts take effect it will be devastating to first responders, teachers, our military, our elderly, our dogs and our cats. There you go again as Ronald would say as we hear the same old story coming from this administration. Each time the president makes a statement concerning the state of our nation those with common sense understand the statements are misleading and false.

The fear used by this president in his speeches do not help our nation in any respect. He pits one side versus the other every chance he gets. This president does an excellent job of scaring the public into thinking devastation will cause climatic problems when he doesn’t get his agenda by congress.

Now once again he is out there campaigning informing followers this false rhetoric, if we don’t stop the 85 billion dollar cut from the 4 trillion-dollar budget our nation will be in jeopardy. Mr. Obama continues to spread deception trying to misinform the public to once again have an opportunity to raise taxes on the rich.

Remember not so long ago when he needed a stimulus package thrown at the American people stating it was needed to keep unemployment below 8%. He was out campaigning every day telling the world our nation would shut down if we didn’t get congress to pass the bill. Well the unemployment hung around 10% and didn’t get down to the 8% till just a few months ago.

He stated no one making under 250 thousand would have higher taxes, but yet this year all employee’s checks are on the average 50 dollars less because of increased taxes to all employees. Another lie bought by many individuals who just can’t find it in themselves to search for the truth.

If congress does nothing and the cuts take place on March 1, 2013 we would essentially stop the government from running for a mire 8 days. Our budget increased by 1.3 trillion dollars each year since being elected to the office and that does not appear to have any chance of changing. Our nation under the lack of leadership roles of congress and the president spend 405 million dollars every hour to satisfy the out of control spending habits developed to continue to remain in power on the Hill.

With 6.5 trillion in debt escalating over 1 trillion a year and unfunded mandates at 122 trillion why does anyone believe we need more taxes and less spending? Many people have tried to spend their way out of a catastrophe and all have failed. The United States of America is no different. We need real leadership in Washington to make the tough choices and cut the spending to bring our nation back to prosperity once again.


Vote 2012

October 25, 2012

With less than two weeks to go before we find out who will be the leader of the greatest nation in the world, there is one thing we need. We need all citizens who are registered to vote to go to the polls and have your voices heard once again.

We have the Democrat, the Republican, the Libertarian and a host of others campaigning for the highest office in the land. Do we want four more years under President Obama? Or, do we want to direct our leadership toward a new path, a new direction where we reduce our deficit, increase our workforce and return to prosperity.

We have seen the results of Obama and for the average American it has not been good. Our wages have declined, our gas prices have risen and we had 43 months of unemployment over 8% even after the 872 billion dollar stimulus that was to keep unemployment below 8%.

Just as in 2010, this election has huge consequences for our nation. We can continue to spend 1.2 trillion dollars more than we take in. We can continue to have a leader in the Senate that won’t pass a budget as required by our Constitution and we won’t have a nation that you and I would recognize as the United States of America.

The choice is ours to make. Vote for the candidate that best represents you and your views. Vote 2012. Thank you.


What’s the problem

May 10, 2012

What’s the problem with our representatives in Washington?  Everyone understands we have a deficit problem and they still stand on Capital Hill complaining the other party will not do their part to reduce spending.

Today in the House they spoke for 4 hours about where to cut. Republican members expressed concerns that military can not be cut by 1 trillion.  The Democrat members insisted everything is on the table except entitlement programs.

Now the voters in Nevada and across the nation understand our nation is in a deep recession and need leaders in Washington to fix the problems not discuss them.  We need action regardless of the consequences.  

If politicians went to Washington with the sole purpose of fixing the nations concerns and not their re-election opportunities we wouldn’t have a 16 trillion dollar National Debt.

The issues we face are not issues of only Republicans, Democrats, Whites, Blacks, Baptists or Jewish, the issues are concerns of all Americans regardless of race, creed or color. Let’s approach them as such.


The Buffet rule is the wrong rule

April 16, 2012

Today millions of taxpayers across the nation are scrabbling to file their 2011 tax forms before the April 17th deadline.  While we scramble the Senate is on the Hill discussing whether to raise taxes under the “Buffet Rule” on those who earn over a million dollars a year.  Let me tell you, the Buffet rule is the wrong rule.

As taxpayers struggle to complete the correct forms required by the IRS they cringe in fear hoping they do not get audited because of an inadvertent omission.  The tax code is so complex not even the IRS agents agree with how to fill out most of the forms or which forms are actually needed for individuals and corporations.

With on-line searches today we find pages and pages of sites relating to our tax codes are illegal and are considered an excise tax which is not legal.  Millions of individuals fail to file returns each year rebelling against a law that is unjust.  The IRS code is over burdensome and the average citizen can not comprehend the language used. To file a regular Schedule 1040 return the IRS suggests taxpayers need 18 hours and the cost would be around two hundred thirty dollars. This information is located on page 94 of the instruction form which is 98 pages long.


Now, if you have adjustments, or disabilities, investments or other deductions you have added costs and time to file the proper forms needed. The instruction manual goes on to inform taxpayers they need schedule A if they decide to itemize deductions.  The information provided for this set of forms needed to fill out takes up 13 pages of instructions.


Next we have the Schedule C instructions.  Profit or loss from a business as a sole proprietor goes on this form. Now to follow this form the instructions go on for another 11 pages and many other forms in addition to the Schedule C form.

How about the Schedule D form if needed to declare “Capital Gains and Losses”.  With 14 pages of instructions and several other forms needed the filers at this point are pulling their hair out.  Cussing and screaming as they insist the IRS and it’s forms are just “NUTS” and we need a change to the system that is fair for all.


When they gain their composure Schedule E needs to be looked at.  The instructions fill 10 more pages on Supplemental Income and Loss that may need to be addressed.  Do you own an interest in a Domestic Partnership, or a Foreign Partnership? Then you must file Schedule E along with other forms such as 1065 and Schedule K. 

Do you have profit or Loss from Farming then it’s time to look at Schedule F to file out. On the first page of the 18 page instruction manual in addition to the schedule F form there are at least 8 other forms that are mentioned that may need to be filed.

Next in the instruction manual comes Schedule J, Income Averaging for Farmers and Fisherman.  By this time the taxpayer’s eyes are red from fatigue and ire. After reading through the 14 pages of instructions the individual finds it in themselves to possibly find an accountant or bookkeeper to help them with the paperwork so they don’t screw up.

Schedule R follows J with just 4 pages of instructions to direct the taxpayer to file the paperwork concerning Credit for the Elderly and the Disable. On page 4 a physician files out the form to certify the individual is in fact disabled.


Finally with 98% of the Schedules filed out the taxpayer gets to move on to Schedule SE. Schedule SE directs the filer to fill out this form if they earned $400 or more dollars during the tax year.   The self employment tax instructions take up only 5 pages to inform the filer how to declare the tax and finish up with the paperwork so it can be sent off to the appropriate IRS location.


All this so our Political representatives can continue to cater to the lobbyists and special interest groups who do not want to see the tax system changed for the benefit of the individual.

Senator Thune (R) South Dakota, stated on the floor “it is time for the gimmicks to stop” as they discuss the Buffet Rule. The bill does one thing which is to target one group of individuals to pay more in taxes.  These taxes will not reduce our debt as they will only raise approximately 40 billion extract in revenue. Folks, remember we have a national debt of just under 16 billion billion dollars, or 16 trillion if you can add that high.  In addition this President has authorized spending within our Federal Government on average 1.4 trillion more each year then the government receives in revenues.

Sen. Mikulski (D)Marylandstated “the Buffet rule is a fair rule” as she emplows that it is time the rich pay their fair share. “We do have to make it fair” and this is the way to do it according to the Senator fromMaryland.  “I think Buffet had a good idea, let’s codify it” Barbara goes on as she finishes with her time at the podium.

No, we don’t need a new addition to the tax code, what we need is a new tax code. The Buffet Rule is the wrong rule when corporations across the nation fill out hundreds of tax returns without paying one red cent into the IRS. What we need is a fair or a flat tax which treats all entities equally, not just those who have the lobbyist powers to persuade Congressional leaders to not do the right thing for their personal gains.


Then There Were Three

April 10, 2012

Just hours ago the Republican Party nomination process lost a contender. Rick Santorum held a news conference in Gettysburg Pa. this afternoon stating he has suspended his campaign. Rick said “they decided” to run for the Presidency around the kitchen table and decided to suspend it the same way.

His youngest daughter Bella developed pneumonia over the Easter holiday weekend and was rushed to the hospital for treatment and remained there for observation. Bella has been hospitalized twice since her father announced his bid for the nomination.

We wish Rick and his family well as they deal with their family issues. Our thoughts and prayers going out to Bella with hopes of a speedy recovery.


4 Million out of work still

December 3, 2011

The numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics came out for unemployment figures yesterday. Unemployed rate decreased to 8.6 across the country as applicants drop off the radar unable to find work or benefits exhausted. The BLS numbers show exactly what they want you to see, numbers. Private sector jobs increased by 140,000 while government jobs dropped 20,000.

In Nevada we are still hanging around 13.4% unemployed. Our numbers are bad and not improving as the state continues to set records in foreclosures, unemployment, homeless and . According to Three Squares, a food bank in Las Vegas, 1 in 6 families are unsure what they will eat tonight. Times are tough in the Silver State with elected officials finding every issue to talk about but still no solutions that are working.

In Congress, Dean Heller offered a bill to continue tax breaks of 2% for one more year and was voted down with only 20 members for it. Harry Reid offered a bill that would increase the rate of savings from 2% to 3.2% and he to did not receive enough votes to pass the measure.

The reason these bills did not pass, “Voters want reform, not more of the same.” Yes we are at the cross roads of time and need to decide right here, right now the path we travel in America. Will we continue down the trail that brought us to this braking point or will we elect individuals who are more concerned with fixing our nation regardless of party or re-election priorities.

With a 15 trillion-dollar national debt looming over the heads of every American we need Patriots to step up to serve honorably as was true of our Founding Fathers. They were not perfect souls, they were Patriots serving the needs of a new nation without fear of consequences for their efforts. Patriots step forward and be heard once again.


Stupid Committee Makes Headway

November 20, 2011

It is Sunday and the Stupid Committee has come up with something finally the American people can grasp. They have wasted 3 months in special committee meetings, hearings and private engagement and came up with nothing, nada, zero, zipo.

The two-party system has eroded the quality of life for all Americans as they take money for their campaigns from Special Interest, Individuals and organizations outside their voting district to remain in power. Harry Reid receives over 70% of his campaign funding from outside the state of Nevada is a prime example.

How can you do what is right for the country, for the citizens if you have millions of dollars coming into a campaign from lawyers, lobbyists and unions? This power struggle has been a part of the problem we face in America now for over 60 years and it is critical we address the issue now, before it is too late.

Those in Congress not willing to make the huge sacrifices for the benefit of maintaining our Republic must go. We need members to stand up, roll up their sleeves and do the work of the people to save this nation from political bankruptcy. The corruption has destroyed our way of life as we know it.

Step up people this election cycle and vote your conscience to elect citizen legislators who have your best interest in common and not those of special interest. Do we need another candidate backing companies like Solyndra with our tax dollars, I think not.

Be in the know about the candidates and where they stand. If they take contributions from special interest can they represent you? Listen, learn and then vote, it is as easy as that. Make your voices heard as you travel down the dark and dusty road of politics.

As a candidate for Senate in the last election we pressed for Congress to cut the spending and reduce our national debt by $500,000,000,000.00 a year to bring us out of the deep recession we are currently in. That is 500 billion dollars a year we must cut to save this nation from self-destruction. Harry Reid didn’t listen, Joe Heck didn’t listen and the list is long if you talk to all Congress members across the nation.

They don’t understand we can not hold a 15 trillion-dollar national debt and remain solvent. We as a nation take in 2.3 trillion dollars in revenues and spend 3.6 trillion of which we must borrow 43%. This is stupid as Alan Simpson has stated on many occasions as head of the committee to find cuts in spending in Washington.

Stop the insanity running rampant in the Halls of Congress. You have a voice that will resonate with the candidates working to be your representative. One voice for the people in each state will help the situation.